If you would say that over eight out of ten trains were arriving on time you’d usually think that’s not brilliant but when it’s the Tyne and Wear Metro and performance has been as low as six out of ten over the past year it is at least a move in the right direction. Its time to take another look at the punctuality figures on the Tyne and Wear Metro.
Two performance posters are under review here. The first is between 3rd and 31st March 2024:
- 77% of trains classed as on time
- Previous 4 weeks: 72%
- Same period 2023: 78%
Then 1st to 27th April 2024:
- 84% of trains classed as on time
- Same period 2023: 78%
That 84% is the highest figure for at least a year with 80% not having been seen since the start of the year (over Christmas when fewer trains ran) and you would hope shows some optimism. Although with the peak extras still not running there is a lower number of trains to actually be on time.
In reality there won’t be any significant increase until the new fleet of trains is fully integrated into service.