In Pictures: Ipswich 33 receives adverts!

The sole electric tram at the Ipswich Transport Museum is looking a little bit different as it has recently received some adverts. But don’t worry, Ipswich 33 has not got a modern vinyl wrap  but has had some long-lost original adverts affixed in between decks following an intriguing discovery.

Many may think of adverts on trams as a modern thing but its far from it (although nowadays they’ve gone a lot further than before!) as in the very early days of trams they carried commercial advertising. Most of these were between decks for various local businesses and Ipswich Corporation Tramways were no different.

Although the trams carried adverts, none were known to survive and so Ipswich 33 had been restored without any advertising but that has now changed following the discovery of a complete set of adverts in mid-March. They were found in the loft at the Ipswich Buses Constantine Road Depot ahead of some building work – what’s more remarkable is that they are in a good condition and had never been found before despite interested parties having previously been up in the loft.

Its thought that the enamel adverts (there are two in total – one for each side of a tram – with each one consisting of two panels) date from the 1920s and are for local opticians Blooms.

Currently, one of the adverts has been added to 33 with the other in store pending a decision on its future display.

Ipswich 33 reunited with adverts at the Ipswich Transport Museum. (Photograph by Mark Smith, 11th May 2024)

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