The continued testing and commissioning of the new Stadler built trains for the Tyne and Wear Metro network has reached another milestone with one of the vehicles making it as far as South Shields for the first time. The test was considered to be a success, Nexus have confirmed.
As well as one of the trains reaching South Shields on test another has been transferred to the Nexus Learning Centre in South Shields to allow for more driver training as well as the start of training for the customer services teams.
Cathy Massarella, Major Projects Director at Nexus, said: “I’m delighted to say that the new Metro train has been put through its first test runs on our lines through South Tyneside. We’ve also taken one of the new trains to our Learning Centre in South Shields to support training for our drivers and customer service teams.
“The testing of the new trains is going well, and we are working closely with our colleagues at Stadler so that we can get first new trains into service for our customers. This is a very detailed and vital process of testing ahead of drivers starting their training on the new Class 555 Metro.
“These trains will have to go through a phase of rigorous testing on our network, and all our drivers will need to undertake a period of train handling experience during the implementation phase of the project. Once the trains are in service they are going to be transformative for our customers and our workforce in terms of comfort, quality and reliability.
“Our customers, employees, specialist user groups and trade unions helped to design the new trains as part of a far-reaching consultation exercise that received 23,000 responses. We are getting a bespoke design from Stadler, with a sleek modern appearance, inside and out.”
46 new trains are being built by Stadler in Switzerland to replace the aging fleet of original Metrocars. The first trains are due to enter service later this year after the commissioning process has been completed.
Cllr Margaret Melling, Lead Member for Economic Growth and Transport, said: ““It’s great news that the test run was a success and I am sure passengers are looking forward to these new, modern trains coming into service. Having a reliable, safe and efficient public transport network is vital for boosting our economy as well as helping us to address our climate change commitments. This investment into the Metro fleet is going to bring long term benefits to South Tyneside and the wider region.”