Stop by Stop Nottingham Express Transit: The One That Got Away! – Station Street

In the last edition of Stop by Stop Nottingham Express Transit we feature the “stop that got away” – Station Street.

When Nottingham Express Transit originally opened on 9th March 2004 services from Hucknall and Phoenix Park terminated at a stop located adjacent to Nottingham Railway Station. With it not being quite at the station it was decided to call it Station Street and it would remain as the terminus until its replacement at Nottingham Station (on the first part of the phase two extensions and directly above the railway station) would open on 25th August 2015. Station Street consisted on two platform faces either side of the tracks but did have space for three trams as one side had a double length platform. It included a sheltered waiting area with seating and as it was elevated included a lift and stairs as well as direct access to the side entrance to the railway station. All of these access points to the tramway are still in situ to allow people easy access to and from the new stop which is located further along the tramway.

This view taken on 7th June 2008 shows 207 waiting at the stop before departing for Phoenix Park. This is the platform closest to the exit and beyond the tram you can make out the extra third platform.

202 is sitting at the opposite platform and it will be working back to Hucknall. Taken on 3rd June 2009. (Both Photographs by Gareth Prior)

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