NET Phase Two works to start on Wilford Lane

Works to construct the phase two extensions of Nottingham Express Transit will extend the Wilford Lane from 1st September with utility diversion and track installation due to commence from this date for approximately four months.

Tram services travelling to and from Clifton are due to cross Wilford Lane running along the line of the former railway embankment and to allow the work to allow this to happen to take place part of the road will be closed to traffic. Wilford Lane will be closed between Compton Acres and Ashdown Close with diversionary routes being put in place for traffic whilst the work is ongoing.

Cllr Jane Urquhart, Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport, said: “Wilford Lane is an important component in Nottingham’s transport network. That is why we have been working closely to ensure the tram contractor devises a works programme which minimises disruption as far as possible for those living and working in the area and the wider travelling public, and why we have worked with partners to coordinate these works with other current and future major transport schemes on the Greater Nottingham transport network. We are encouraging people who would usually travel along Wilford Lane to plan ahead as far as possible. And while we are very mindful that there will be disruption over the next few months to the travelling public which uses the route and to those in the nearby area, the long term benefits will see alternative public transport services provided to those travelling into the city from the M1, through the creation of a 1,000 space tram park & ride site on the A453, and the availability of a quick, reliable, and frequent tram service serving Clifton, Compton Acres and Wilford.”

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