Crich Photo line-ups: South Coast Trams – 2017

Not all line-ups on the depot fan need stretch the entire width with some themes only requiring a small selection of trams. That is the case for today’s line-up which includes two trams from the South Coast.

16th September 2017 was Tram Day at the Crich Tramway Village (a new name for Enthusiasts Day) and came shortly after Bournemouth 85 had arrived and joined the collection having previously been at the closed Museum of Electricity in Christchurch. To mark the occasion – and before 85 would enter the Great Exhibition Hall – there were a couple of themes to include the tram, one of which was the chance to line-up the only two trams at Crich from the South Coast.

With 85 being a 3’6” gauge tram its movements around the depot fan were limited so it spend most of the time on the Traverser and it was joined by Southampton 45 for this special line-up.

Another shot of the two trams from the South Coast. The Bournemouth tram would find its way in the Exhibition Hall not long after where it is displayed on a special section of track. (Both Photographs by Gareth Prior)

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