In Pictures: Poppies return to Supertram

November is traditionally the month when we pause to remember those who have died in the line of duty during the many conflicts seen across the world. Originally conceived following World War I Remembrance Day is on the 11th day of the 11th month to coincide with when the armistice was signed and the highest profile part of the commemoration is the poppies which are sold annually to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. As well as people wearing poppies, in recent years many public transport undertakings have put poppies on their vehicles – such as Sheffield’s Stagecoach Supertram system.

And it’s the same situation for 2022 with the trams starting to see the poppies fitted from the very end of October. The Siemens-Duewag trams are carrying two poppies each – one at each cab end situated to the left of the driving position in the direction of travel. Although not noted yet presumably the Citylink tram-trains will receive vinyl poppies as they have previously.

104 and 115 show their poppies as they pass at Castle Square when both working on the YELLOW route.

108 runs down High Street. Its poppy is seen on the far side with the tram heading on the BLUE route to Halfway.

A close-up of one of the poppies. (All Photographs by Ryan Hartley, 31st October 2022)

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