In Pictures: Work continues on Seaton Wetlands Halt

Work on one of the latest additions to the Seaton Tramway is continuing with the new stop at Seaton Wetlands making progress although yet to be completed. Originally due to open last year various factors have delayed the work but it is still hoped that it will be open in time for the peak summer season giving better access to the Seaton Wetlands area.

The new stop here, along with that at Riverside Depot, have already been added to the timetable in preparation for their opening and both will be opened to the public at the same time. The stop, or halt, at Seaton Wetlands is located at the old Swans Nest Loop and is currently seeing block paving installed across the tracks and a walkway to the stop from the entrance to Seaton Wetlands.

This view looking towards Seaton shows the work underway on putting the block paving down to allow any visitors easy access to both tracks.

12 can just be viewed in the distance as we take a look at the wood which is being readied for installation to provide the walkway to and from Seaton Wetlands on the right. (Both Photographs by Gordon Bulmer)

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