The UKTram Heritage Group now has a new Chairman with Geoffrey Claydon retiring from the role having been in position since the group’s inception. Mr Claydon has been a tireless campaigner for tram preservation and his work for the group followed a distinguished career that saw him play a key role in shaping modern light rail networks.
James Hammett, UKTram Managing Director, said: “Over many years, Geoffrey has made a massive contribution to the sector, and his experience, expertise and enthusiasm will be greatly missed by all who have worked alongside him. In 2020 he celebrated his 90th birthday, and we would like to wish him all the very best as he finally enjoys a well-earned, full retirement! On his retirement from the Heritage Group, we would all like to express our appreciation for his work over many, many years. We certainly owe him a huge debt of gratitude.”
For almost five decades he considered himself an enthusiastic amateur in the rail world whilst pursuing a career as a lawyer in the civil service. But in 1990, when he was originally planning to retire, he was able to combine his professional and personal interests and accepted an offer to take on a five-year project to bring railway and tramway legislation up to date.
Mr Claydon officially retired from the group recently at a meeting held at Beamish. At the same meeting Mike Crabtree (from the Crich Tramway Village) was elected as new Chairman with Ian Longworth (Isle of Man Railways) named as new Vice Chairman.
Geoffrey Claydon has always been a true gentleman, always unassuming and courteous, and I have always held him in the greatest respect. He has done an incredible amount for heritage tramways in general and Crich in particular. I have no doubt that he will continue to keep fully involved in the movement whilst having relinquished one of his many roles. Mike Crabtree is a worthy successor in this particular role.
Anyone who came into the company of Geoffrey, either professionally, or as a tram enthusiast, was awed by his amazing knowledge of systems past and present. I am sure that, even though, he has retired his position, he will still be very much a presence around the tram scene, for which we should all be grateful.
Geoffrey is an absolute gentlemen and I had the pleasure of his company, professionally, when I was Commercial manager at Blackpool Transport in the 1990s, during which time we were preparing for a number of events for which Geoffrey’s knowledge was invaluable.
I have also met him at tramway events since and it is always a pleasure to meet him.
To have Geoffrey leading the planning of legislation for the new generation of tramway systems in the UK has, undoubtedly, allowed us to have a very workable system from day one.
Well done Geoffrey and I, for one, look forward to you being around for much time to come.
Well done, Geoffrey. The tramway world owes you a debt of gratitude.