It’s a tram line-up which would make a great photo – if it wasn’t for something getting in the way! – as we continue our “just for fun” look at what may have been in a perfect photography world.
When you are taking photos in a public environment you have to accept that the chances of getting a shot without a single person in the way is almost non-existent and to that end the photographer on this occasion had lined up this triple tram shot at North Pier and Tower with one onlooker as part of the image. But then just as the shutter was pressed along came another pedestrian, right in the way of Bolton 66 as it headed past south with Box 40 waiting on the centre track and Balloon 711 the Shop Tram. The date was 23rd September 2018. Ah, never mind, better luck next time!
What do you expect from someone who calls themselves “The Wanderer”?
Just to correct the typo – it was 2018. Fortunately my son in law took a good one a few seconds earlier!