Blackpool ‘Boat’ 607 nears completion

The official online blog of Crich Tramway Village has provided a brief update on the latest progress with the major overhaul of Blackpool ‘Boat’ 236/607, which is being restored in Blackpool Transport’s own workshops so that it can operate at Crich Tramway Village, hopefully this summer. Some photos showing the recent progress on the tram have also been published and can be seen here:

Contrary to what had been reported by the Tramway Museum, we have now been informed that this tram has not yet entered the Paint Shop, and in fact it is currently
residing in the Fitting Shop where its seats are being refitted. The tram otherwise appears largely complete though, and with a move to Crich expected in mid-March repainting will presumably be undertaken very soon.

Disappointingly, the newly published images of 607 show that the supposed restoration to
1950s condition is not as accurate as expected. The most obvious inaccuracy is that the seats appear to have merely been repainted, when they should have been unpainted but varnished instead, as was the case in the 1950s. It would also appear that the wrong colour of paint has been used on the internal panelling. Considering the huge sum of money being spent on the overhaul, it is a great shame that these areas have not been  corrected, as they would have created a truly stunning exhibit and also provided a nice contrast with the other Boat cars remaining at Blackpool. Considering the emphasis that the TMS normally place on historical authenticity, this is also a bit of a surprise. However, in spite of these minor niggles, it will be excellent to see 607 running in the Derbyshire countryside, and hopefully the many fans of the Boat class will be keen to visit the tram at its new home once it enters public service.

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