In Pictures: Bluebird takes flight to Glory Mine

One of the most complex restorations to have been undertaken in the workshop at the Crich Tramway Village is now starting to reach a conclusion. Work on London County Council 1 – aka Bluebird – started in June 2014 when it made its first move into the workshop and now almost ten years later and the tram is able to run under its own power, with a significant batch of testing recently having taken place including three return trips to Glory Mine.

Funding for the extensive restoration has come from the London County Council Tramways Trust (LCCCT). The tram is being returned to its original condition when first built in 1932 with the later London Transport red livery having been replaced by the blue and white style it initially had (and which led to its receiving the name “Bluebird”). But just mentioning the change of colour is doing how much work has been undertaken a disservice. A full mechanical overhaul has taken place and the interior has been completed restored too.

It is hoped that Bluebird will be launched back into service later this year, although further testing and commissioning will be required before there is confidence to publicly announce an official launch date.

Saturday 18th May saw a lot of work undertaken on the tram with a series of brake tests being followed by three full round trips of the tramway (after the museum had closed for the day).

And with work on Bluebird starting to come to a conclusion, the workshop is now a hive of activity for the next major restoration project – Blackpool 298. This Brush Railcoach has recently seen its cab framework and windscreen at one end start to take place.

Alongside 1 in this Workshop view is Oporto 273, which is currently undergoing commissioning to return it to the operational fleet for 2024.

The sun glints off Bluebird as it waits at Town End. The quality of the exterior restoration of the tram is clear to be seen here.

1 goes for a ride up the line being seen here at single line token post as the track goes single.

And up at Glory Mine. (Photographs x4 by Dean Sharp, 18th May 2024)

There is starting to be no doubt just which tram this is in the Workshop with the cab framework and windscreen starting to go into place. (Photograph by Peter Whiteley, 18th May 2024)

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1 Response to In Pictures: Bluebird takes flight to Glory Mine

  1. Jonathan Jarvis says:

    What a fine sight, and what a fantastic job has been done by all who have collaborated on this project.

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