More Blackpool departures expected soon

So far this year, the hard-working team at Scott’s Heavy Haulage in Derbyshire have
been kept very busy, moving various redundant Blackpool trams to new homes. The
departures seem to have halted for the time being, but it is strongly believed that this situation will change soon, with up to four trams expected to leave Blackpool for the last time in the next few weeks.

Balloon car 721 has recently been moved to the Electrical Compound under its own power. Although not confirmed, stored trams normally only move to the compound to be prepared for a move off-site, and as it’s been known for quite some time that 721 has already been sold, it could well be on the move shortly. What is not known, however, is who has bought the tram or where it will go, but hopefully all will become clear sooner rather than later. Despite being stored since it last ran during the 2009 illuminations, 721 is in a very good condition thanks to significant body and underframe work carried out during the 1990s. Although some modernisation was also carried out, the tram retained some traditional features, most notably its roof windows; making it one of just four Balloon cars left with this feature. The tram also has a full set swing-over seats, having swapped its fixed bus seats on the lower deck with the reversible seats from car 700 back in 2010.

Another tram that will soon bid farewell to the seaside is Boat 236 (AKA 607), which will soon move to Crich Tramway Village. It has been confirmed that this tram has been retrucked and is now in the Paint Shop as its overhaul nears completion. Strangely, the steel handrails from the car, which had been taken to Crich for repair, have now been returned to Blackpool as apparently the Tramway Museum Society had struggled to source suitable stainless steel fittings to replace those which had deteriorated. The Boat car is expected to move to Derbyshire in mid-March.

Two other trams are also likely to leave Blackpool soon. Cardiff water car 131 is also expected to make the journey to Crich soon as the TMS are to discuss a return date for the car, which had been placed on loan to undertake rail scrubbing duties. One other tram is also likely to leave Rigby Road for a new home shortly, although this cannot be confirmed. It’s therefore safe to say that, whilst no trams are carrying passengers in Blackpool, the interest looks set to continue for the classic rolling stock as the opening of the new
modernised tramway draws ever closer.

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