Around the World in Trams: Amsterdam 724

Back to Amsterdam again today for another edition of “Around the World in Trams”.

In this week’s photo we are again looking at one of the Werskspoor 7G articulated trams. This time its 724 which was new to service in October 1968 and similar to its sister 700 we saw it last week has since been scrapped (again in March 2004). There is just one of this class which remain intact today as a museum tram still in its home city. When seen in this photo 724 was running on line 2.

Photograph by Keith Chadbourne, 1980

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1 Response to Around the World in Trams: Amsterdam 724

  1. Hendrik-Jan Halkes says:

    And another one is kept as a museum tram in the Polish city of Poznan.

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