Delays after tram hits taxi in Piccadilly Gardens

All tram services into Piccadilly Station were suspended for a time on Friday 14th  December after a tram was involved in a collision with a taxi at Piccadilly Gardens. The incident happened at approximately 1740 when T68A 2006 became involved in the collision with the taxi. Trams from Altrincham and Bury ran direct services only whilst  services from Eccles and MediaCityUK were diverted to Victoria. The incident was soon cleared and normal services resumed although still with residual delays. This was the second car v tram collision in the City Centre as shortly before 1000 a car had pulled out of a side street into a tram although this was even more minor with very little delay caused.

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4 Responses to Delays after tram hits taxi in Piccadilly Gardens

  1. David Taylor says:

    Did the tram hit the taxi or was the taxi to blame?

    • John Stewart says:

      David Taylor’s question doesn’t really give a meaningful choice of answers. A taxi can’t be to blame, neither can a tram, although the driver of either could be. More to the point, it is quite possible for the tram to have hit the taxi as a result of error by the taxi driver. Could any locals enlighten us?

  2. Stuart says:

    Perhaps the tram and the taxi simply didn’t like the look of each other.

  3. David Taylor says:

    sorry I asked now.

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