Summer Hill Stables proposed for Protected Register

The Department of Environment, Food & Agriculture have confirmed that are to submit proposals to enter the historic Summer Hill Stables, used by the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway since construction in 1877, in the Isle of Man Protected Buildings Register (the equivalent of the buildings being listed).

It has long been campaigned for that the stables should be retained but it appeared that the 2017 season was to the last for the historic home of the trammers with Douglas Borough Council selling the building for further development. However, behind the scenes many were trying to persuade the government to place the buildings on the Protected Buildings Register and this pressure has now led to this announcement.

Although this is good news it isn’t the end of the story as consultation with the current owners of the building and any other interested parties will now take place with a deadline for any comments being 28th February 2018.

The Friends of the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway are planning to submit comments and are keen for anyone with any comments to contact them by email on so they can include this in their submission.

Regardless of whether the stables are included on the Register the trammers will be returning to their home for the 2018 operating season with the first trams due to run on 29th March.

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1 Response to Summer Hill Stables proposed for Protected Register

  1. David M says:

    Good news for 2018 and lets hope the ongoing future.

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