Forthcoming “LIVE” coverage on British Trams Online

As some of you will hopefully be aware British Trams Online often provides “LIVE” coverage of selected tram events in the UK during the year on Facebook ( and the next few weeks are set to see bumper updates with three different events being covered.

Saturday 17th May: Best of Sheffield – Crich Tramway Village

Saturday 24th-Monday 26th May: Blackpool Heritage Operation – Blackpool Tramway

Saturday 31st May: Beside the Seaside – Crich Tramway Village

At least one member of the British Trams Online team should be present at each of these events providing fairly regular updates during the day and these can be viewed only on our Facebook page ( Most updates take the form of photos which are taken directly off a mobile phone camera and so are not necessarily of the best of quality but are provided to give an instantaneous look at the event (often due to the glare of sun we I can’t even see what I’m taking at the time!) Don’t be put off by the fact that it is on Facebook as you don’t have to be a member to view the photos we just use it because it is the quickest and easiest way for us to upload the information.

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