Enter Stanley the Supertram

One of Stagecoach Supertram’ s trams has been immortalised in cartoon form in a new book written to mark the 60th anniversary of Stagecoach’s co-founder and Chairman Sir Brian Souter. Stanley the Supertram is one of a number of Stagecoach vehicles to feature in “A Very Special Family Party” written by Stagecoach employee Lindsay Reid.

Other characters to feature in the book are Bobby Bus and Molly megabus.com alongside Eric the East Midlands Trains train.

The book, which features illustrations by Alison MacKenzie and Kate West, is available now costing £4 for a paperback copy from http://www.amazon.co.uk. At least £1.50 from the sale of each book will be donated to the National Literacy Trust which works to improve the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the UK’s most disadvantaged communities.

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