Picture in Time: Blackpool Electric Locomotive & Crane 4

Its time for another change of location for “Picture in Time” with the next set of photos coming from Crich.

It may be a different tramway which is featured in the series but the tram (or locomotive as it is here) that is the main focus of this image originally comes from the same place as our last location – Blackpool. Taken in 1974 this photo is taken by the quarry (when it was still actively being used) at Crich with the Blackpool Electric Locomotive in charge of an works outing.

At this time the Locomotive was in the red livery with “BLACKPOOL CORPORATION TRAMWAYS ENGINEERING DEPT.” lettering as opposed to the green paintwork we are more used to seeing on it today and have been for some time. Its accompanied here by a small wagon and Crane no. 4 as its being used on engineering duties.

Photograph by Tony Stevenson, c1974

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