In Pictures: ODAS cameras fitted to Blackpool 011

The complete fleet of Flexity2 trams which operate on the Blackpool Tramway will soon be running with ODAS cameras after 011 became the latest to receive the equipment at Starr Gate Depot.

All the Flexity2 trams which operate the core service on the tramway between Starr Gate and Fleetwood are to receive the equipment which has been designed to assist with reducing the chances of collisions on the tramway. ODAS is an obstacle detection system which requires cameras at each end of the tram to identify potential issues ahead and if detected it will bring the tram to a gentle stop.

With 011 now having received the cameras this just leaves 018 to receive the equipment. (Its believed 005 and 007 are wired although out of service at the moment). And its not expected to be long before it too joins the ODAS ranks as its now in the workshops being so treated.

011 passes the junction to the tramway extension as it works a southbound service to Starr Gate. (Photograph by Michael Morton, 11th May 2024)

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