Around the World in Trams: Santa Cruz tram depot

This instalment of “Around the World in Trams” takes one final look at the trams at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, or more exactly the depot where they are housed.

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife system has a single depot which is located close to the El Cardonal tram stop. This is on the common section of the system served by trams on both line 1 from Intercamiador to La Laguna and line 2 from Tincer to La Cuesta. The depot access tracks are immediately at the end of the stop with pedestrian access to the stop clearly marked to warn of bi-directional running trams.

The entrance to the depot is seen in this first photo below.

A wider view of the tram depot complex with the markings on the ground showing the public that trams can come from both directions.

Both Photographs by Jim Smythe, 9th January 2023

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