Operation Maple – an anti-social behaviour operation that resulted in fantastic results in its first year – is to be extended for a further year in North Tyneside. The scheme resulted in 30% reduction in anti social behaviour during 2022 and its hoped that its continuation will see similar results this year.
The operation is a joint initiative between Northumbria Police, North Tyneside Council and Nexus. It focuses on all coastal Metro stations between Meadow Well and Northumberland Park during the spring and summer months.
The key facet of Operation Maple sees uniformed and plain-clothed officers ride the Metro network for entire shifts to provide a visible policing presence, offer reassurance to the public and swiftly deal with any areas of disorder.
Jennifer Scott, Neighbourhood Inspector for Northumbrian Police, said: “We’re extremely lucky to live in such an idyllic area with some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. It’s easy to see why so many people want to visit, but we want to make sure everyone has a pleasant experience whilst feeling safe and treating these areas respectfully. Operation Maple is the perfect example of the benefits that true partnership working can bring when responding to what matters to local communities. The impact on crime and anti-social behaviour is significant and is a priority for our collaborative approach in this area.”
The operation is also supported by dedicated security officers employed by Nexus.
Huw Lewis, Customer Services Director from Nexus, added: “Extra policing on Metro this summer is really welcome and will help to deter anti-social behaviour and fare evasion. Our customer support staff and security teams will be on duty alongside officers from the Northumbria force during Operation Maple. The police, Nexus and the local authorities are working together to keep the transport system safe and secure. Our stations are major gateways into North Tyneside and we want to ensure journeys by the law abiding majority of customers aren’t spoiled by a small minority of troublemakers. Metro is a safe system to travel on and we are determined to keep it that way. There are going to be police officers in plain clothes patrolling on the Metro system as part of this operation. Anyone who thinks about causing trouble may want to think again, as they are likely to get caught out and face prosecution.”