Its been a period of adverts and special liveries being removed in Blackpool as following on quickly from 001 and 011 losing their vinyl wrap liveries comes the news that Flexity2 010 has lost its special Queen’s Jubilee vinyls and it is now running in plain fleet livery once more.
010 received the vinyls back in May 2022 in preparation for the Jubilee celebrations which were to take place at the start of June. The special livery featured a small above window vinyl on each end section and also a square on the centre section – all using regal purple although it did also show how much the purple of the livery had faded over the years of operation.
The tram started the week of 13th February still carrying the vinyls and was still in this state on the Wednesday. However, by the afternoon of Thursday 16th February they were gone and the tram was back in full standard fleet livery with no advertising present anymore.