Trams &: Blackpool 31, Sheffield 264 & horse drawn carriage

We return to “Trams &” for the next few weeks and today we are off to Beamish for a couple of trams and a horse drawn carriage.

Its not often in this series that we see more than one tram but that is exactly what we feature in the below photo. This is Beamish’s Foulbridge stop on 26th November 2022 where Blackpool 31 and Sheffield 264 pause as they pass on a two tram service. Despite it being November the weather was still pleasant enough to allow an open topper to be out although we can’t spot any passengers up top!

Whilst the two trams wait to head off they are passed by a horse drawn carriage which was being used as part of a special Christmas Parade at the start of the museum Christmas events for 2022.

Photograph by Trevor Hall, 26th November 2022

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1 Response to Trams &: Blackpool 31, Sheffield 264 & horse drawn carriage

  1. Geoff, IoM says:

    I note that (3 + 1) + (2 x 6) + 4 = 20 !

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