Stop by Stop Blackpool Tramway: Fisherman’s Walk

Today in “Stop by Stop” we come to the last stop before entering Fleetwood Town Centre at Fisherman’s Walk.

When we depart the previous stop at Stanley Road we almost immediately come to a signalled road crossing between Radcliffe Road and Stanley Road. On the right here is the site of the old Copse Road Tram Depot, now part of the Fleetwood Car Centre, and as our journey continues north we soon come to another road crossing. This is also traffic signalled and sees Elm Street crossing over the tramway. Immediately following this we arrive at Fisherman’s Walk (or Ash Street for those of you who prefer that name, although its been a number of years since this stop was renamed). Surrounded by trees, Fisherman’s Walk sees the return of shelters (in both directions) and has the usual stop accompaniments of seating, information panels, advertising and lighting.

Looking north this is Fisherman’s Walk tramstop.

013 is just crossing over Elm Street as it arrives at Fisherman’s Walk on its way to Fleetwood Ferry.

005 is just departing from Fisherman’s Walk as it too heads north to Fleetwood Ferry. (All Photographs by Gareth Prior)

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