There are to be further engineering works on the Luas network over two weekends in March, affecting the Red Line. These works will mainly be taking place overnight but will see temporary changes to the operating hours on the Red Line.
Friday 4th to Sunday 6th March
Friday 4th March: Services finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
Saturday 5th March: Services start approximately 1 ½ hours later and finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
Sunday 6th March: Services start approximately 2 hours later and finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th March
Friday 11th March: Services finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
Saturday 12th March: Services start approximately 1 ½ hours later and finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
Sunday 13th March: Services start approximately 2 hours later and finish approximately 1 hour earlier than normal
On both weekends the Red Line will resume normal operating hours from the start of service on the Monday and the Green Line will not be affected.