The punctuality figures on the Tyne and Wear Metro have fallen in both of the last two four week periods although despite that they are still at a reltaively high rate. The latest data covers the periods between 2nd and 29th May and 30th May to 26th June with the posters still not giving any more details than the headline figures.
In the first four weeks 90% of trains were recorded as arriving on time (either within 3 minutes later or 30 seconds earlier than scheduled). That is 2% down on the previous four weeks (92%) and 3% down on this time last year – although comparing May 2021 with May 2020 isn’t that reliable considering the differences in restrictions and timetables operating.
Then between 30th May and 26th June there was a 4% fall to 86%. This was 2% lower than in 2020.
And that’s about all we can say from the posters as they don’t give any more details!