With the busy TT period now over on the Isle of Man it is back to business as usual on Douglas Promenade with the redevelopment work having recommenced. This work, of course, also means more track will be installed which will, hopefully, allow for a longer journey later this year for the horse trams which are currently still only running between Derby Castle and the T-shirt shop. In this pictorial update we not only see some of the trackwork taking place but also a few other images around the horse tramway. Geoff Pickles with the pictures.

Work on the track has reached the Palace Hotel on Central Promenade as seen in this image. Thermit welding is ongoing in this view.

A look inside the temporary marquee holding the trams. With gates now in place we see 29 and 42 most prominent in this view. Toastrack 21 is also now in place on the back right although not currently sitting on track.