Urbos 3 19 has returned to service on Midland Metro following the completion of accident repairs. The tram has been absent since August 2015 having been involved in a collision with a van close to Wolverhampton St George’s.
The collision saw 19 suffer severe damage to its cab front and side panels and the front coupling was bent downwards which necessitated significant repairs which were undertaken in house at Wednesbury Depot. This included using panels from 27 which is currently sidelined in the depot. These were progressed in recent months allowing the tram to undergo a test run on Sunday 21st February before being cleared for a return to service on Monday 22nd and it was again in service on Wednesday 23rd February.
37 continues to be used on testing and commissioning runs on the mainline with an entry into service for the last (of the initial order) of trams surely not too far off now. This only leaves 17 to enter service but this seems to still be quite some time off.
Why has 17 still not entered service?