Conductors to go within 18 months following Tramlink Nottingham takeover

In an interview published at, the Chairman of the Tramlink Nottingham consortium, Roger Harrison, has confirmed that the firm are planning to remove conductors from the trams within 18 months along with the introduction of an Oyster card type of smart ticketing.

It has been known for a while that Tramlink Nottingham were planning on removing conductors from the trams when they took over but in the interview Mr Harrison gave more details on the plans which will see ticket machines introduced onto the platforms with “tram ambassadors” being available for assistance both on and off the tram. Inspectors would also patrol the trams to ensure people have paid (such as on Manchester Metrolink and London Tramlink currently).

Mr Harrison is quoted as saying: “We don’t want passengers to feel security is reduced, we’re introducing a new type of staff called an ambassador. It’s something used in France a lot and where there are similar systems.”

It is expected that this plan will reduce costs although the overall number of jobs is likely to increase.

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