Blackpool Brush 636 put up for sale

Ever fancied owning a tram? If so now could be your chance as the owner of Blackpool Brush 636 has put it up for sale with a now closed listing being made available on ebay.

Whilst we saw many trams sold on as part of the “Great Blackpool Tram Sell Off” following the upgrading of the tramway, 636’s route into private enthusiast ownership was slightly different as it was acquired by Stored Energy Technology to be used as a test tram.

Withdrawn in 2004 (only shortly after receiving a repaint into Metro Coastlines livery) it would receive experimental bogies by the company based in Derby. It returned to Blackpool in 2009 when it was tested on the tramway but soon after returned to the East Midlands. Several spells followed at the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway where testing continued.

With it deemed to surplus to requirements it was purchased by Robert Mortimer (who also owned Lytham 43 – now at Rigby Road Depot) who stored it on his property. However, as he has now had to move the tram also needs to be moved on and he has put it up the sale.

636 is in a fairly poor condition and as part of its tests some of the lower part of the body was cut away. It does however come with both a pantograph and a pantograph tower.

Bids were being asked to start at £2,100 with the original auction on ebay. No bids were received although the tram is still available.

A YouTube video showing the condition of 636 is also available at

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