Manchester Metrolink Then & Now: Withington

In this edition of “Manchester Metrolink Then & Now” we take another look at how things were during construction and once trams were running at a location on the Metrolink network.

As with last week’s edition we are at Withington to see how things have changed. Whereas last week we were looking north this time we are more at ground level and looking in the opposite direction, towards Princess Road and the overbridge that we were standing on last time out.

In the first photo, taken on 13th March 2011, we are looking to the south and see that the surface for the laying of tracks is going down whilst on the right earthworks are also underway for the construction of the platforms for Withington tramstop.

Trams are now running and it’s a more pleasant location to stand to take a photo as there is now a nice platform to stand on! 3067 pulls in with a service to Shaw & Crompton as another just disappears under the bridge on its way to East Didsbury. (Both Photographs by Keith Chadbourne)

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