Staying on the Manchester Airport line of Metrolink for today’s edition of “Then & Now” as we take a look at another section of street running on that line.
Mauldeth Road West is once more located at the start of the street running section of the Airport line and when reaching this road the tram hasn’t long left the reserved section of track at St Werburgh’s Road where it also leaves behind the South Manchester line.

Photo number one today shows the scene as it was on 12 September 2010. A grass strip is in the centre of road including a few trees as we look back towards Manchester.

Then on 4th November 2014 and trams are now running and in this shot we see 3070 approaching us bound for the Airport. The buildings on the left and right allow us to get our bearings and we can also see that the grass strip has gone and been replaced by the tram tracks along with a slight change in the road layout. (Both Photographs by Keith Chadbourne)