Work could start this winter on the construction of a new transport interchange in Dudley it has been revealed. The £24 million facility will provide an interchange between buses and trams, making it far easier for locals to change between the two modes and opening up many new journey opportunities.
The interchange will be on the route of the Dudley West Midlands Metro extension (currently under construction) and funding for it is coming through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement. It also forms part of the local authorities ambitious £1 billion regeneration programme for the borough.
Andy Street, Mayor of West Midlands and Chair of West Midlands Combined Authority, said: “This Interchange will vastly improve public transport connections for town centre visitors and businesses – giving local people the more modern, convenient and environmentally friendly bus and tram facilities they deserve. This significant investment in public transport – the Metro is due to open next year – will improve services to Sandwell, Wolverhampton and Birmingham. Overall, the Interchange is very much supporting the wider regeneration of the town centre. Together with our support for the Portersfield development, the Institute of Technology and the Very Light Rail Innovation Centre, the WMCA playing its part in ensuring a bright future ahead for Dudley.”
When work on the facility starts there will be temporary bus stops provided in Dudley Town Centre.
Just hope to god there aren’t any delays as with projects in the midlands the time frame goes out the window.
Just looking at the Wolverhampton extension and train station build delays have happened and openings delayed.
And with summer official starting next week as we all now summer solstice is the 21st June and metro was due to open early/spring 2023 this is yet another deadline missed.