The first of 53 days of strikes on the West Midlands Metro have now taken place with the regular action now set to impact services at regular intervals up until early 2023. The action wad called by the Unite union after members rejected the latest offer from West Midlands Metro which would have seen pay for experienced tram crew increased to £25,250 from £21,939 – Midland Metro Limited have said that this offer remains on the table throughout the dispute.
On strike days a limited service is being operated but only between Wolverhampton St George’s and Bull Street with no trams through Birmingham City Centre to Edgbaston Village. Hours of operation are also limited with weekdays seeing trams between 0730 and 1800 and Saturdays from 0830 to 1700. The frequency is every 15 minutes.
So far strikes have taken place on 15th, 19th, 20th and 22nd October with further action due on 24th, 26th, 29th and 31st October before it continues throughout November, December and into January 2023.
The expectations of tram crew remains that they will be offered an increase to £27,000 per year – which they say would still remain below the average for a tram driver in the UK. Previously Midland Metro Limited have said they have looked at similarly sized networks in the country before benchmarking their offer against this but in response the union have claimed the wages being offered are “poverty wages”.
A leaflet handed out as part of the picket line (which is reproduced below) says “We are paid less than tram drivers and customer service representatives in other parts of the UK. For example, the average pay for tram drivers in the UK is £30,463, whereas we’re paid £21,939. We’ve only asked for a minimum wage rate of £27,000.”
There remains no sign of this dispute ending with Midland Metro Limited believing their offer is fair and union members believing they should be offered more – until either side changes their belief the 53 days of action will carry on.