A survey into the pilot scheme which has seen dogs allowed on board Manchester Metrolink since the start of August will close at the end of October – and tram passengers are being urged to give their views before it closes to help inform a final decision on whether to make it a permanent fixture on the network.
The pilot has been delivered in partnership with tram operator KeolisAmey Metrolink and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and has seen dogs able to travel on the network for the first time – as long as they follow rules regarding safety, cleanliness and consideration of other passengers.
Danny Vaughan, TfGM’s Head of Metrolink, said: “I want to thank everyone who has taken part in the survey so far, but I would urge everyone who has a view to have their say before it closes on 31st October. Every response will help local leaders make an informed decision on whether to make this permanent or not.”
The scheme to allow dogs on Metrolink was an election commitment of Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester. A final decision on whether to continue it on a permanent basis will be made in January. In the interim period between the survey closing and this date dogs will continue to be allowed to travel on Metrolink.
The survey can be completed online at https://surveys.tfgm.com/snapwebhost/s.asp?k=165825030394.
There should be no pets on public transport only hearing/sight dogs.
I don’t like dogs have almost been bitten by one .
If people are to take pets on bus it needs to be in a pet carrier if they are going to the vets by bus.
If the dog fouls on the bus/tram or train that vehicle will end up going out of service to be cleaned this will lead to delays to services and passengers kicking up a fuss about delays
Consultations are fraught with difficulties as they are not representative samples. Dog lovers will vote in favour, while people who have been bitten by other people’s dogs or have religious objections to dogs being taboo or unclean animals will vote against. Do the proposals have any stipulations to muzzle dogs on board public transport, as I have seen people with out-of-control dogs menace passengers? The statistics of people attacked or bitten by dogs on public transport should also be taken into account. Safety first. Of course guide dogs must be exempt from any bans, as they are properly trained.
Personally I wouldn’t take my dog on Metrolink because she doesn’t travel well on trams and its far too busy. My previous dog loved trams and alwys wanted a ride! Dogs should be under control (don’t tar everyone with the same brush when some aren’t) and in al my years if travelling and being adog owner I’ve never known one foul on a bus or tram. Asd for pablo’s ludicrous suggestion of pet carrier – good luck trying to get one foe a Labrador which you can carry. Just another example of pet hating, ill informed rubbish which these surveys throw up. Go abroad, it works perfectly well there and in Blackpool.
I do not have a dog, but have no problems with them travelling on the tram, as long as they are controlled. If people are against dogs, then children should not be allowed, as parents have no control over them these days, they have sticky fingers, feet on seats, rude to people, and the parents sit saying nothing.
I would rather have a dog next to me than children.