In Pictures: West Midlands Metro 39 returns to fleet livery

The first full vinyl wrap commercial advert on the West Midlands Metro is no more following the removal of the vinyls for the University of Birmingham on 39. The advert had been applied back in May and was stripped from the tram at the end of September.

Although we had seen various part advertising liveries (where ads were full height on the centre section and then just above the windows on the rest of the tram) before on the West Midlands Metro the University of Birmingham advert on 39 had been the very first commercial advertising contract which was a true vinyl wrap and featured contravision on the windows as well.

The removal of these vinyls means that there are now three trams in the fleet which don’t have standard fleet livery (plus 36 and its rainbows). 19 has vinyls for the M is for Metro campaign, 22 for the Metro Training Academy and 42 is the sole commercial advert for Nourished.

39 back in full blue calls at Wednesbury Parkway when bound for Wolverhampton St George’s.

Another shot of 39 as it heads back south to Library and makes the stop at Wednesbury Great Western Street. The tram depot is to the left of this shot. (Both Photographs by Andy Walters, 1st October 2022)

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