Testing the new Douglas Bay Horse Tramway layout

We reported last week how the new points on the Douglas Bay Horse Tramway were being installed and not long after that momentous event came another significant milestone – testing using a tram and horse! Wednesday 18th May was the day that the tests took place, although not everything went exactly according to plan with the tram derailing during one of the tests.

There were two parts of the test. In one the tram was used on its own across the newly installed points – with tracklaying still taking place and no final hard surface down it isn’t possible for a horse to be involved there – whilst the other saw Torrin used to haul the tram over the tracks as they swing from the roadside to centre of the road.

Tram no. 36 was used along with Torrin and video footage shot shows that the initial tests seemed to be a little bit of a struggle for the horse to pull the tram along the curve. That could well be a combination of factors, including the fact horse and tram have barely seen each other in almost three years and that the track and surface have only recently been put down so still need bedding down.

In addition to the horse and tram tests, the tram was used solo to check alignments where the points are being installed. This resulted in the tram leaving the rails which possibly suggests some tweaks will be needed to the track laid there.

Its still hoped that a tram service may resume this summer although there are no details yet.

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1 Response to Testing the new Douglas Bay Horse Tramway layout

  1. Geoff Currie says:


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