Since trams returned to service in December on the West Midlands Metro after the month-long suspension it has pretty much been the case that its been the same trams in service most of the time with very different trams seen running which, as we have seen, has led to further tram shortages and service reductions. But there has been a positive development this week with 34 noted in service for the first time since around the end of November.
34 was allocated to service on Monday 7th February which was the first weekday of the revised 12 minute frequency service (as preparations continue to extend the service beyond Bull Street to Library once more). Alongside 34 on this day were 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29 and 39.
Work on preparing additional trams to return to service is also continuing. This includes 37 which was seen shunting at the depot on 6th February – 37 is the tram which had to be returned to CAF for repairs returning to Wednesbury on 15th June 2021 and hasn’t run since it came back but now it appears on the road to return.