In Pictures: Steampunk at the Crich Tramway Village

Over the past few years one of the most popular special events at the Crich Tramway Village has been the Steampunk event (which has developed into a full weekend). With Steampunk enthusiasts visiting the museum with their blend of science fiction and 19th century industrial steam-powered machinery, the trams at Crich work around this and with many coming as they do from the early 20th century when the technology which inspires Steampunk was still around they prove to fit right in. This pictorial update shows some of the sights from the 2021 event from the camera of Brian Toohey.

Blackpool 236 waits at Stephenson Place as one of the Steampunk visitors walks along the street.

London County Council 106 is in the background as another Steampunker walks by.

More re-enactors and 106.

106 is again in the background of this shot of another Steampunk visitor walking on by. (All Photographs by Brian Toohey, 12th September 2021)

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