So Nearly, Not Quite! Blackpool Brush 630

Its another case of there is a tram there honest in this latest edition of “So Nearly, Not Quite”.

Once again it is very dark when this image was taken on 1st September 2008 at Bispham but you can just make-out Blackpool Brush 630 standing at the southbound stop with a service for Starr Gate. This was the second, and last, advert style for Karting 2000 which included more purple which probably didn’t help with my limited photographic skills! The halogen headlights also mean that is more or less all we can see in this image although at least the front of the tram can be made out, safe to say it wasn’t something at the forefront of publication, that was until this series was conceived! Ah, never mind, better luck next time!

Photograph by Gareth Prior

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1 Response to So Nearly, Not Quite! Blackpool Brush 630

  1. Bigalasdair says:

    What’s the saying ? Been there, seen that done it !

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