Sheffield 264 comes out

Continuing work on installing the live overhead wire over track 4 within the tram shed at Beamish Museum, has recently allowed the elusive Sheffield 264 to enjoy a rare airing. This tram was withdrawn from service due to the poor condition of its bodywork around a decade ago and has only rarely ventured outside since, and on its latest appearance a light dusting of snow around the museum sight added further novelty value to this rare scene.

It has been quite some time since a fourth track was laid inside the Beamish depot but work to install overhead wiring (a live wire only at this stage) has only recently commenced. At the same time an additional wire is being installed which will eventually go over Road 5, although for now this will enable the museum’s Newcastle trolleybus to be moved in and out of the building more easily.

The latest installation works required Road 4 to be cleared completely so that workmen could access the area, and so Sheffield 264 was dragged outside into the winter sunshine and stabled on the main line for a while. The tram was unable to move under its own power as its trolley head has been removed as a spare. Sunderland 16 was also extracted from the depot, having been stored since last summer with worn tyres. Unfortunately it is looking increasingly likely that this attractive tram will remain out of action for the upcoming Beamish tramway anniversary event in April. Hopefully the car will be back in service later this year, and with 264 due to receive a major overhaul before too long, hopefully the pair will be able to play a more prominent role at any future tram events at this excellent museum.

A very shabby but still attractive Sheffield 264 seen out in the snow at Beamish whilst wiring work was ongoing inside the depot complex. (Photo courtesy of the Beamish Transport & Industry Blog)


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1 Response to Sheffield 264 comes out

  1. Ralph Oakes-Garnett says:

    Interesting development. Also interesting that another Sheffield 264 is at Crich. I wil try and sort out a photograph of the one at Crich for this site.

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