In Pictures: Amsterdam 474 lifted from its truck

General maintenance of heritage trams across the country is always ongoing and rarely gets reported in depth as it just sort of happens and we take for granted that the trams continue to run whenever we may happen to visit for a ride. Sometimes this maintenance is a bit more in depth with trams having to be lifted to enable attention to their trucks and one such tram which is enjoying this work at the moment is the East Anglia Transport Museum’s Amsterdam 474 as the following photos show.

474 stands in the depot at Carlton Colville having been lifted from its truck which can now be seen immediately in front.

Another view of 474 in the depot. London Transport 1858 is to the left.

A look at the sturdy truck from Amsterdam 474.

Also in the depot and Lowestoft 14 is seen alongside Blackpool 11. (All Photographs by Tim Major)

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