Since their introduction into service the Citylink tram-trains now operating on the conventional Stagecoach Supertram network have been mainly confined to the Purple route – aside from a few “service extras” – but that has now changed as from Thursday 9th November they have been seen running on both the Blue and Yellow routes.
The first day of their diagramming on these routes occurred on Thursday 9th November with 399 203 flying the flag on the Blue route alongside an unidentified vehicle on the Yellow route. This was followed on 10th November when 399 206 was used on the Blue route and 399 207 on the Yellow. 399 201 finally made its Yellow route debut on 11th November; this was thought to be its most extensive usage yet having only been used for the odd journey on the Purple route previously.
Also of note that the onboard announcements on the Citylinks are slightly altered to those heard on the other trams. Two examples being University & West End Hospitals and Shalesmoor & Kelham Island.

On 10th November 206 is seen passing the outbound stop at City Hall with a Blue route service to Halfway.