More Blackpool blinds saved

Four more Blackpool tram destination blinds have been saved following a recent auction including two more rare original yellow Twin Car blinds. The four blinds were sold at an auction in Macclesfield and after Blackpool’s own destination blind guru, Peter Watts, was made aware he registered to bid online and was successful in his bids – despite the fact he was away working in San Diego!

The four blinds saved are:

* Two original yellow twin car blinds. One of the blinds is the original fitted to No. 1 end of 280 when first converted to a towing car with second blind being from no. 1 end of T10. It seems that both blinds were removed together from the set when replaced with regular white lettering blinds.

* A blind from a Standard car with Layton destinations

* A 1970 two line blind as fitted to the Boat Cars

Now safely in France with Peter it is planned that eventually they will be displayed in Blackpool.

Anyone who ever sees any Blackpool blinds for sale is urged to contact Peter so that he can try and preserve as much of the heritage as possible. One of the other bidders for the blinds cuts them up to sell on ebay as decoration and Peter is keen to try and keep as many blinds as possible intact. If you know of the whereabouts of any blinds please contact Peter directly by email at

One of the yellow Twin Car blinds.

The Standard Car blind with Layton destinations.

Boat Car destinations. (All Photographs by Peter Watts)

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1 Response to More Blackpool blinds saved

  1. Anonymous says:

    The power of the net eh – well done the Mrs!

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