Work on bringing the vital Second City Crossing (2CC) on Manchester Metrolink to life is continuing ahead of its opening in 2017 with tram tracks now in place along Cross Street between King Street and the junction with Princess Street and John Dalton Street allowing the road to reopen to traffic.
The 2CC is considered to vital for Manchester Metrolink as it will enable an expanded service to operate across the city centre with the original city centre line having reached capacity with the major expansion of the network in recent years. As part of the works a new look expanded St Peter’s Square stop is currently being constructed which will see two island platforms constructed – one for each of the city centre crossings – with work here due to be completed later this year. Currently Metrolink services through this area are forced to run on a single line with a reduced service running until the works are completed (there will also be an eight complete closure when the works are nearing completion).
From Monday 4th April work will also start on Princess Street with preparatory works for the laying of tracks. This will see the temporary closure to through traffic from Clarence Street to Cooper Street. The previous day will see Peter Street and Oxford Street reopen to two way traffic between Mount Street and Portland Street.
Peter Cushing, Transport for Greater Manchester’s Metrolink Director, said: “The start of work along Princess Street will be a major step forward for the Second City Crossing, moving us into the final construction phase as we progress towards joining tram track already laid in St Peter’s Square and Cross Street. I’d like to thank businesses, residents, workers and commuters for their continued patience. Ultimately, they will be the ones who reap the benefits of our investment, as the new Second City Crossing will provide the capacity to move millions more people around our growing city region to shop, work, dine out and enjoy everything Greater Manchester has to offer.”
I don’t believe that the two platforms are due to be one for each city centre crossing. In the artist impressions I have seen one is for inbound trams (from Cornbrook) and one for outbound (towards Cornbrook). In fact you can actually see this arrangement on the ground too with the location of the crossover at the city end of the new St.Peters construction site.