Daily Archives: Tuesday 23 July 2013

Railgrinder returns to Heaton Park

Blackpool Railgrinder 752 has become the second tram to depart from the premises of the East Lancashire Railway at Bury within the space of just five days. Hot on the heels of Balloon car 708 – which moved to Sunderland … Continue reading

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Trams return to Fleetwood Transport Festival

The annual Fleetwood Festival of Transport – more commonly known as Tram Sunday – took place on Sunday 21st July and attracted the usual mix of vintage vehicles, stalls and fairground style rides and attractions. However, after playing a limited role … Continue reading

Posted in Blackpool Tramway | 7 Comments

TMS unveil new members’ accomodation

The Tramway Museum Society have recently revealed the new and greatly improved accommodation for volunteers working at the Crich Tramway Village. For many years, volunteers from far afield were able to stay overnight at Field House, but this has now … Continue reading

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DVD Review: ‘The Trams of Beamish Museum’

Earlier this year, the working tramway at Beamish Museum celebrated its 40th anniversary with a special event, ‘Our Friends Electric’, which included a tramcar parade and two visiting cars from other museums. This is therefore a fitting time for the … Continue reading

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Book Review: Leeds Trams and Buses by Michael Berry

The latest in a series of pictorial books from Amberley Publishing deals with the transport history of Leeds, featuring a fine selection of interesting images showing trams and motor buses from the Yorkshire city. The cover features a splendid photograph of … Continue reading

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