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20 Years in 20 Photos - Blackpool Tramway

How do you choose 20 photos to represent Blackpool over the past 20 years? With great difficulty it turns out! There have been many key events which have taken place within the past two decades and although we do look at some of those (tram loans, introduction of the Flexity service to name but two) this collection is mainly made of random photos with more concentration towards the earlier part of this timeframe - and also trying to feature a cross-section of classes of tram (if we've worked it out right the same tram shouldn't feature more than once!). That's not saying that nothing has happened in more recent years but as those events are more at the front of the memory we've gone a bit further back for the majority of images.

This is the last of the planned "20 Years in 20 Photos" series of galleries - although it may return in 2023 if time allows.

Photographer: Gareth Prior
Photographs were taken at various points during 2005 and 2019.

Boat 604

Centenary 645

Balloon 710

Centenary 641 & 648

Balloon 722, 726 & Jubilee 762

Open Top Balloon 706

Replica Vanguard 619, Bolton 66 & Centenary 644

Rebuilt Balloon 707

Liverpool 762

Rack 2

Coronation 660

Flexity2 001

Boat 600

Flexity2 011 & Pantograph 167

Flexity2 016

Flexity2 004 & 014

Marton 31

Box 40 & Balloon 715

Standard 147 & Balloon 700

Brush 621

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This page was added on Sunday 18th December 2022

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