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Gallery 817: Crich Tramway Village - July 2019

This collection features photos from the Crich Tramway Village on two separate visits within a few days of each other in mid-July. We start off on Saturday 13th July when a two tram service was in operation utilising Chesterfield 7 and Sheffield 510 whilst the Austin A40 group displayed a number of their vehicles adding to the sights at the museum on this day. We then move on to Monday 15th July which was the latest Horse Tram Day at the Museum. Sheffield 510 is once again the horse tram of choice for 2019 with Joseph providing the horse power and the pair of them operated along the museum street between Stephenson Place and the depot crossover for four hours either side of lunch. In addition to 15 a three tram electric tram service was also in operation with the fine weather seeing London County Council 106 and Blackpool 236 running along with Blackpool 762 (with more drivers being trained on the operation of the unique controls on this tram). In addition Berlin 223 006-4 was also called into action for an afternoon journey along the line. We feature images of the above as well as taking a peek into the Workshop to see the latest progress on London County Council 1, Newcastle 102 and London Transport 1622. Photographers: Peter Narramore, Gareth Prior & Hazel Quarmby
Photographs taken on Saturday 13th & Monday 15th July 2019

Sheffield 510

Chesterfield 7

Chesterfield 7

Chesterfield 7

Chesterfield 7

Chesterfield 7

Blackpool 167


Sheffield 510

Chesterfield 7

Chesterfield 7

Berlin 223 006-4, Blackpool 630 & Croydon Tramlink 058

Berlin 223 006-4 & Blackpool 630

London County Council 106 & Blackpool 762

Blackpool 762 & Blackpool 236

London County Council 106 & Joseph

Sheffield 15

Sheffield 15

London County Council 106 & Sheffield 15

Blackpool 236 & Blackpool 762

Blackpool 762

Sheffield 15 & Blackpool 762

Sheffield 15

Sheffield 15

London County Council 106

Sheffield 15

Blackpool 236

Blackpool 236 & Sheffield 15

Sheffield 15

London County Council 106, Sheffield 15 & Blackpool 762

London County Council 106

Blackpool 762 interior

London County Council 106 & Blackpool 236

Sheffield 15

Blackpool 236

Blackpool 236

Blackpool 236

London County Council 106

Berlin 223 006-4

Sheffield 15 & London County Council 106

Blackpool 762

Blackpool 762 & Berlin 223 006-4

Berlin 223 006-4

Sheffield 15

London Transport 1622

Newcastle 102

Newcastle 102 & London Transport 1622

London County Council 1

Berlin 223 006-4

Sheffield 15

Blackpool 236

Blackpool 762

Sheffield 15

Sheffield 15

London County Council 106

Blackpool 762 & London County Council 106

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This page was last updated on Saturday 20th July 2019

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