It is expected that the early hours of Sunday 1st November will see the first tram run on Manchester Metrolink’s Second City Crossing (2CC) with an initial gauging run due to take place between Victoria and Exchange Square. This is the first step in services starting on the line which, as previously reported, is due to be before Christmas.
As a result of the start in testing on the line Metrolink services from Bury and Rochdale will terminate at Victoria all day on Sunday 1st November with a replacement bus service running from there to Piccadilly.
Peter Cushing, TfGM’s Metrolink Director, said: “In the coming weeks trams on test will become a regular sight in this area of town, which is an exciting phase of the project and a major step forward for the Second City Crossing. We’re at the start of an extensive testing and commissioning process to make sure all the physical infrastructure is ready for us to get passenger services in the run up to Christmas.”
The exact date of when passengers will be able to take a trip to Exchange Square has not yet been announced but providing that gauging, testing and commissioning is successful this will be before Christmas. The original plan was for an additional services to run from Exchange Square to Shaw and Crompton but details of the services which will run have not yet been revealed.
The first test run for structure gauging did indeed take place early on 1st November as planned. 3083 and 3090 performed the run to and from Exchange Square.
On TfGM website the service from Exchange Square will be to Shaw and Crompton until all 2cc opens in2017. I thought the opening date was supposed to be September 2016 guess I was wrong.